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The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) is run by a Commission of eleven members. Seven members are appointed by the mayor of the City of Milwaukee (subject to Common Council confirmation). At least three members must be elected officials, and each of the seven members must have their principal residence in the City of Milwaukee.
Four Commission members are appointed by the Executive Council of the Intergovernmental Cooperation Council (ICC), which is composed of the mayors and village presidents of the Milwaukee County suburban municipalities (excluding South Milwaukee). At least three of these appointees must be elected officials, and each of the four members must have their principal residence within the MMSD service area but outside of the City of Milwaukee.
Commissioners establish and enforce District policy through two standing committees: Policy, Finance & Personnel Committee, and the Operations Committee.
Jeff Stone has a broad range of experience in both public and private sector roles in our community and state. That experience includes nearly 20 years of service in elected office at both the state and local level where he served for more than 15 years as State Representative for the southwest Milwaukee County area. He currently is a Senior Consultant with Kapur & Associates Consulting Engineers as well as being owner and partner in several business ventures.
During his tenure in the legislature Jeff served for 6 years on the Joint Finance Committee, as well as chairing the Transportation, Small Business, Health and Highway Safety Committees. At the local level Jeff served as Alderman, Finance Chair and Common Council President for the City of Greenfield. In addition to these elected roles he also served the state as a water utility regulator with the Wisconsin Public Service Commission with rate and construction oversight responsibilities for all of the nearly 600 water utilities in Wisconsin.
Jeff has served on various boards including the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, Wisconsin Center District, UW Hospital and Clinics, Milwaukee County Historical Society, Wastecap Wisconsin, Local Initiatives Support Corporation, the UW Population Health Institute, and the Wisconsin Policy Forum. Jeff has been honored with the National Legislative Leadership Award granted by the National Commission Against Drunk Driving. He also has received numerous state legislative awards as well as having been named Business Person of the Year by the Greenfield Chamber of Commerce.
John Swan III was born and raised in Milwaukee, WI. He graduated from John Marshall High School, and, in August 1997, he became a member of Laborers International Union of North America, Local No. 113, working as a Labor Apprentice. John has been an active member of Laborers International Union of North America, Local No. 113, for nearly 26 years; he currently serves as Secretary Treasurer and Business Agent for Laborers Local No. 113 and serves as a representative on several Boards within the organization.
Before he was called upon to serve as a Business Agent for Local No. 113, John worked in the field on several major construction projects in the Milwaukee Area; a few of these projects include the Miller Park Project, the Pleasant Prairie Power Plant Project, and the Oak Creek Power Plant Project, where he served as a Superintendent. Some of his current responsibilities as Secretary Treasurer and Business Agent for Local No. 113 include mediating disputes, negotiating and handling financials, educating apprentices, checking construction projects throughout Milwaukee County, and organizing and building relationships with contractors to ensure a safe and prosperous jobsite.
John has partnered with Bradley Tech High School and Barack Obama High School to become a mentor to students who have an interest in the skilled construction trades industry; he does this with the hope of helping to prepare students for careers in the construction industry and teaching them the importance of work ethics, and job safety.
John is proud to call Milwaukee his home; he strives daily to make a positive impact in his community and focuses his work on helping to improve the social and economic growth and development of this city and county.
MAYOR, CITY OF OAK CREEK Dan is currently in his 2nd term as the Mayor of the City of Oak Creek. Prior he served 5 terms as an Alderman and Council President. He has also been appointed to serve on various boards and commissions. They include the Joint Milwaukee County TIF Review Board, Oak Creek Community Center Board of Directors and the Oak Creek Franklin School District Career Advisory Committee. The Intergovernmental Cooperation Council, Wisconsin State Building Trades Council Secretary/Treasurer, Milwaukee County Opioid Task Force, and the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District.
He was elected as President of the Milwaukee Building & Construction Trades Council in January of 2014. Before being elected to serve as Council President, Dan began his career in the trades as an apprentice with IBEW Local 494 in 1987. He has spent over 30 years in the building industry.
Along with his role as Building Trades President, Dan also serves as Co-Chair of Building Advantage. He is also the Construction Co-Chair of WRTP/BIG STEP. He also is an Executive Board member to the Milwaukee Area Labor Council, the Bradley Tech Foundation and Greater Milwaukee Committee. The United Way, Employ Milwaukee, Regional Transportation Committee, and the Milwaukee County Research Park Board.
Michael D’Amato is a 35-year resident of the City of Milwaukee who served as Alderman of the 3rd District from 1996 to 2008. In addition to serving the citizens of the city on the Common Council, Mr. D’Amato also served his community as a member of the Board of Directors of the Milwaukee Public Library, the Milwaukee County Federated Library System, Summerfest, the Wisconsin Center District, and the Milwaukee 7 (M7) Regional Economic Consortium Advisory Committee. As a longtime past member of the Board of Directors of the League of Wisconsin Municipalities, he is a founding member of the Local Government Institute of Wisconsin as well as past member of several caucus committees at the National League of Cities. Mr. D’Amato is pleased to once again join the Commission and advocate for clean water, sustainable communities and healthy neighborhoods on behalf of his fellow Milwaukee residents, businesses and institutions.
Marina Dimitrijevic was born and raised in Milwaukee and is a proud graduate of the Milwaukee Public Schools system. She attended Marquette University where she received degrees in political science and Spanish (in which she is fluent), and then proceeded to earn a Master of Science in Nonprofit Management and Leadership from UW-Milwaukee.
Wanting to give back to Milwaukee’s South Side, Marina began her career in public service in 2004 when she became the youngest woman ever to be elected to the Milwaukee County Board. She was re-elected four times which included being named the second female to serve as Chairwoman of the County Board.
Looking to make a further impact in the community, Marina was elected Alderwoman of Milwaukee’s 14th District in 2020 with more than 70% of the vote share, and currently serves as Chairwoman of the Finance and Personnel Committee whose main charge is passing a fiscally and socially balanced budget each year. As Alderwoman, Marina has visited over 50 local businesses in her district in her “Around the 14th” series to highlight small businesses. She is proud of the successful legislation she has authored with a focus on our future generations to provide paid parental leave, local funding for early childhood education, and the city’s Climate and Equity plan.
Marina is involved in her community outside of the office where she is an active member of the Bay View Neighborhood Association, Friends of South Shore Park, Bay View Historical Society, Bay View Lions Club and Friends of Humboldt Park.
Alderwoman Dimitrijevic enjoys living in the heart of Bay View with her husband Eduardo and children Lucia, Rafael, and Zoe.
Dan Devine was elected Mayor of West Allis in 2008 and is serving his third term. Prior to serving as mayor, he served one term on the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors representing the 17th District.
He serves as a member of the Wisconsin State Fair Park Board and is currently Vice-Chair of the Intergovernmental Cooperation Council. He is also Past President of the Wisconsin League of Municipalities.
Devine is married and has two children.
Assembly Assistant Minority Leader Kalan R. Haywood II represents Wisconsin’s Sensational 16th Assembly District. He is the youngest African American to ever be elected into the state office in Wisconsin’s history, and potentially, the nation. While in office, Rep. Haywood plans to push the needle forward on key issues like education, economic development, and public safety. In the legislature, Rep. Haywood serves on five Assembly committees: Housing and Real Estate (Ranking Member), Small Business, Subcommittee on Education and Economic Development (Co-Chair), Committee on Assembly Organization, Committee on Rules, Joint Committee on Legislative Organization, and Tourism. He also has been appointed to serve on the Board of Directors for the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority and Wisconsin Center District.
Prior to his first election, Haywood served as President of the City of Milwaukee Youth Council for two terms. He represented the 6th aldermanic district on the City of Milwaukee Youth Council for three terms. In this role, he was responsible for assessing and communicating the needs of the community, as well as the resources relative to the protection and advocacy of Milwaukee’s youth. Additionally, he was tasked with evaluating and recommending changes in laws, policies, practices, and procedures in order to improve the conditions of the community and promote wholesome youth development. As a member of the Youth Council, he recommended funding allocations for ten percent of the city’s CDBG reprogramming dollars.
A Milwaukee native and business student at Cardinal Stritch University, Rep. Haywood serves as Chair of the City of Milwaukee Restorative Justice Advisory Board. He is a dedicated member of his district with experience in community organization and empowerment, reaching out to the neighborhoods to understand their firsthand concerns and lend a friendly face.
At the refreshing age of 23, Rep. Haywood has shared his vision for a Greater Milwaukee on both local and national media outlets. He works tirelessly to change the narrative of the possible achievements of young people with the hopes to inspire them, his peers, and let them know that the time is now; you don't have to wait to be great.
Bryan Kennedy was elected Mayor of Glendale in 2015, after being elected three times to the Glendale-River Hills School Board. He was re-elected in 2018 to a second term. Bryan and his family have been Glendale residents since 2001.
Mayor Kennedy holds a Ph.D. in Latin American Studies from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr. Kennedy was a professor at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee for ten years and served three terms as President of the American Federation of Teachers-Wisconsin, a statewide teachers union of mainly higher education employees. Since 2014, Kennedy contracts as an organizational development and government relations consultant. He works primarily with US companies that have interests in Latin America, helping them to expand their footprint in Brazil, and to attract and retain the best employees.
In addition to serving as Mayor and MMSD Commissioner, Mayor Kennedy chairs the Milwaukee County Intergovernmental Cooperation Council, composed of the county executive and the 19 mayors and village presidents in the county.
Julia was appointed as the first woman president of the Greater Milwaukee Committee in December 2002. The GMC convenes and collaborates with other organizations and groups in the community on an issue-by-issue basis and leads by initiating projects and implementing strategies. The GMC membership is comprised of 200 CEOs and leaders in various sectors including business, labor, academic, philanthropy and nonprofit. She retired from the GMC in 2022. Julia was a founding member of the Water Council.
Before coming to the GMC, Julia was president of the YWCA of Greater Milwaukee for 16 years. She currently serves on the boards of Milwaukee Film and is Treasurer of the City as Living Laboratory Board. She co-chairs the Watermarks Advisory Committee in Milwaukee, and the B-Line Park on the Beerline Trail Connecting Communities capital campaign.
Julia maintains an active art practice through Julia Taylor Watercolor LLC. She teaches watercolor lessons and exhibits frequently.
Corey Zetts serves as the Executive Director of Menomonee Valley Partners, the public/private partnership facilitating the redevelopment of Milwaukee’s Menomonee River Valley. Since its inception in 1999, Menomonee Valley Partners has worked to revitalize the Valley through economic development, environmental restoration, and community building programs that benefit the greater Milwaukee community. Through this collaborative effort, more than 300 acres of brownfields have been redeveloped, 50+ businesses have moved to the Valley, 5,000+ jobs have been created, 1 million square feet of sustainably designed buildings have been constructed, and 60 acres of public park and trails developed.
Corey joined Menomonee Valley Partners in 2005 and became Executive Director in 2014. Through the years she has led diverse projects, including real estate development and business recruitment, infrastructure and sustainable design planning, habitat restoration, greenspace and recreational planning, public art and community engagement. She is actively engaged in several nonprofit organizations, including the Friends of the Hank Aaron State Trail, MetroGO, the Regional Transit Leadership Council, Urban Manufacturing Alliance, and Highland Community School. She received her MS in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Wisconsin. Corey lives in Milwaukee with her husband and daughter.
JoCasta Zamarripa was born and raised in Milwaukee, graduated from St. Joan Antida High School, and holds a bachelor’s degree from UW-Milwaukee. Throughout her career, JoCasta has been a dedicated community activist working to better the lives of others by creating positive change.
She previously worked as a Community Outreach Coordinator for Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin, and was active in the 9 to 5 National Association of Working Women. She has also held board positions with 9 to 5 Milwaukee and Equality Wisconsin, and currently serves on the boards of Citizen Action of Wisconsin and Emerge Wisconsin.
JoCasta’s public service career began in 2010 when she made history by becoming the first Latina elected to the Wisconsin State Legislature. She served in the Legislature for five terms before making history once again in 2020 by becoming the first Latina and the first openly LGBTQ member of Milwaukee’s Common Council.
She looks forward to advocating for her constituents on Milwaukee’s near south side. Her priorities include fighting for equality for all people, supporting our public schools, creating family supporting, living wage jobs, and keeping our community safe.
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