Managing water on your property can significantly reduce your chances of having a wet basement.  Whether you have water issues through your basement walls or your floor drain, this site will provide you with information that can greatly reduce the chances of a wet basement.

Keeping water out of your basement gives you great peace of mind that your belongings are safe and dry year-round. Preventing water from seeping through your basement walls reduces damage to the house foundation and increases longevity. Keeping clear water out of the sewer system greatly reduces the risk of a basement backup but also reduces the risk for your neighbors. If you are being requested by your city or village to participate in a neighborhood-wide sewer lateral rehab or foundation drain disconnect project, this is an excellent opportunity to make a significant improvement to your property at a steeply reduced cost or often no cost to you.

MMSD's Private Property Program

The MMSD Private Property Program provides guidance and resources for homeowners to identify and address the most common problems that lead to water entering your basement. MMSD works directly with 29 cities and villages we serve to identify areas of concern and provides funding to those municipalities for local projects to address identified areas.

Each city and village decides whether to tackle leaky laterals and foundation drains connected to the sanitary sewer system. Local leaders of each community will also decide if there will be a cost-share for the home or business owner in the area.

The above visual shows "good" sewer connections to a home.
A graphic showing incorrect or "bad" conections in a home.
The above visual shows "bad" sewer connections to a home.

MMSD's Pipe Check Program

In addition to working with municipalities, MMSD also offers the Pipe Check program for individual homeowners experiencing sewer water backing up into their basement or to remove other sources of clear water being discharged into the sanitary sewer system.

The Pipe Check program offers financial incentives to reduce a homeowner’s cost of a comprehensive lateral replacement and the disconnection of sources of clear water discharged to the sanitary sewer system. The Pipe Check program connects homeowners with approved contractors, who can guide them through potential options for their situation and manage participation.  Pipe Check financial incentives are paid by MMSD directly to the Pipe Check approved contractor, reducing the remaining balance to the homeowner.

 Learn more about the Pipe Check program, including who is eligible, how it works, and which contractors to contact to get started. 
