View of Lake Michigan and Milwaukee's skyline over blue water


MMSD's 2025 Annual Consultants Meeting  

The meeting is intended to provide consultants with further information about the design/engineering/professional services projects planned for the year, as well as provide general updates on our capital improvement program, procurement and supplier diversity program, and related business processes. 

MMSD's 2025 Annual Contractors Meeting

The meeting is intended to provide contractors with further information about the construction projects planned for the year, as well as provide general updates on our capital improvement program, procurement and supplier diversity program, and related business processes. 

The Office of Business and Community Engagement serves as the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District's (MMSD) contracting authority by conducting open, fair, and timely procurements founded upon the best practices in public purchasing. Recognizing our role as a significant regional economic player, the office oversees MMSD's social responsibility policies incorporated into all contracting and sourcing opportunities, from the Small, Women, and Minority Owned Business Enterprise participation goals to utilizing local workers and vendors.

To help ensure MMSD is engaging local businesses and workers reflective of the diversity we serve, the office manages the Workforce & Business Development Resource Program's resources, including capacity-building training, pre-apprenticeship training, and external internships.

MMSD's commitment to triple bottom line benefits, the office plays a significant role in advancing and evaluating the social and economic benefits to the community – whether it’s building rain barrels using a local job training program or utilizing local volunteers to build green infrastructure projects in our neighborhoods. In this capacity, the office serves as a technical resource to all departments to expand neighborhood and community engagement and then measure and track community benefits and impact.

Purchase Order Terms and Conditions

graphic with text stating current opportunities
graphic with text stating vendor registration
text graphic stating supplier diversity
text graphic stating MMSD construction opportunities that links to a PDF
text graphic that states business development
graphic with text stating cad documents and special attachments
text graphic stating MMSD engineering and planning opporutunities which opens a PDF
text graphic that states workforce development

Procurement Contact Information:

For procurement questions please contact us at and for inquiries regarding supplier diversity and S/W/MBE certification