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I am pleased to present MMSD’s 2022-2024 Strategic Plan. This Plan, with input from staff throughout the organization, outlines our goals and strategies to help us realize our vision of a cleaner, healthier, resilient region. Our region’s development and history are built on water and MMSD is committed to protecting this crucial resource. In this era defined by a tragic pandemic, we are reminded that access to clean water and reliable wastewater services are critical to our everyday lives. We are also mindful of the importance of providing affordable services in an environmentally responsible way. The pandemic affirmed our commitment to planning for an uncertain future. The overarching goal of the Plan is to assure the core mission of the District, to protect public health and the environment through world-class, cost-effective water resource management, leadership, and partnership is well supported into the future.
This plan aims to set our priorities, focus our energy and resources, strengthen our operations, and ensure that employees and stakeholders are working toward common goals. The public counts on us to handle any crisis that comes along while meeting their evolving needs. This Plan defines our destination yet maintains needed flexibility so that we can deal with the uncertainty. We look forward to implementing the Plan and will continue to deliver reliable services, support the region’s recovery from the pandemic, advance equity, and anticipate and respond to our public’s needs. As always, we welcome your feedback.
Be Safe. Be Understanding. Be Kind.
Vision MMSD envisions a healthier, cleaner, resilient region
Mission MMSD protects public health and the environment through world-class, cost-effective water resource management, leadership, and partnership
Values Stewardship, integrity, quality, collaboration, diversity, innovation
Kevin L. Shafer, P.E. Executive Director - Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District
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