MMSD's 2025  rain garden plant sale is now open!

MMSD's 2025 Spring Rain Garden Plant Sale

02/24/25 10:00:am

If you’ve been thinking about installing a rain garden or adding to your existing landscape, the annual Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) Spring Plant Sale is the place to start!

We’ve pre-selected dozens of hardy flowers, native plants, wildflowers, and grasses to take the guesswork out of what to buy for a beautiful rain garden. Rain gardens can help reduce the risk of ​​​​​sewer overflows and water pollution by naturally absorbing stormwater runoff from hard surfaces into the ground.

How Do I Order Rain Garden Plants? 

Order Here

Who can order? Any private property owner, local non-profit group, or municipality can purchase plants. Plants cannot be purchased for resale. If you are unsure of your status or have other questions, please submit your request on the contact us form. To order, visit the online rain garden plant store. 

Plants are sold in bundles of four of a single variety. Garden “kits” include 16 plants of at least four different varieties that require similar growing conditions. Plants are up to 50% off retail prices. Once established, rain gardens require very little maintenance.

Plants are reserved as orders come in, so order online now before we sell out! Plants will be available for pick-up at MMSD Headquarters on Saturday, June 7, 2025.

In addition to the plant sale, MMSD offers FREE rain garden virtual webinars (register below) with gardening expert Melinda Myers and in-person workshops with a Master Gardener, where you can learn about rain gardens, plant selection, and plant care.

IMPORTANT: To keep prices low, there will be a minimum order of $45.00 (one garden kit or at least four individual plant bundles). Plant supplies are limited for this plant sale. Once plants SELL OUT, the SALE WILL CLOSE!

Plant Information:

  • Individual plant species are sold in bundles of 4 plants; each plant's container is 2.5" x 2.5" x 3.5 " (length x width x height/depth). One bundle of 4 plants costs $12.00, $3.00 per plant, unless otherwise noted.
    • For a complete list of all the plants and their attributes like sun/moisture needs, view the Quick List Individual Species.
    • For plants with special characteristics such as shade, deer, and/or salt tolerance, view the Suggested Species List.
    • Garden kits provide four or more species that thrive in similar growing conditions. Each kit comes with 16 plants and costs $45. For a complete list of the garden kits with attributes, view the​ Quick List for Garden Kits.
  • To keep prices low, there will be a minimum order of $45.00 (One garden kit or at least four individual plant bundles). If you need a smaller quantity of plants, please visit a local greenhouse or plant sale.

Dates to Remember:

  • April 3rd: All plant sale orders must be submitted by the close of business. Plant supplies are limited for this plant sale. Once plants SELL OUT, the SALE WILL CLOSE!  Submit your order here.
  • June 7th: Plant order pick-up is at MMSD - 260 W. Seeboth St., Milwaukee, WI 53204. An email will be sent out with the pickup details. 

Do You Need Help Selecting and Planning Your Rain Garden?

Come to our FREE virtual rain garden webinar with Gardening Expert Melinda Myers or one of our in-person workshops. The webinar and workshops will focus on designing and building a rain garden, selecting plants, and how your rain garden can help protect Lake Michigan. At the workshop, gardening experts will be on hand to discuss design tips and assist you with creating your rain garden.  The webinar and workshops are FREE, but registration is required, and spots are limited.

View Past Virtual Rain Garden Webinars with Gardening Expert, Melinda Myers:

  • How to Plan Your Rain Garden - Watch Now..
  • How to Select Rain Garden Plants - Watch now.
  • How to Plant Your Rain Garden - Watch Now.
  • Planning, Planting, and Caring for Your Rain Garden - Watch Now.
  • Fall Landscape Planting and Care - Watch Now.
  • Seven Steps to Managing Water Where It Falls In Your Yard - Watch Now.

Why Plant a Rain Garden?

Rain gardens help reduce water pollution by collecting rain from roofs, driveways, or other hard surfaces and naturally absorb water into the ground. They are typically planted with wildflowers or native plants with deep roots, which help to soak up more water. They can be placed near downspouts on homes (although away from building foundations and sewer laterals) and offer many benefits, including: 

  • Helping protect our streams and Lake Michigan from pollution by reducing stormwater runoff.
  • Reducing the risk of flooding and drainage problems.
  • Beautifying your yard and neighborhood.
  • Providing habitat for pollinators and birds.

More Ways You Can Help Protect Lake Michigan!

disconnect your downspout in milwaukee

Downspout Disconnection

During heavy rain, every downspout on your home can send 12 gallons of water a minute to the sewer system, which increases the risk of sewer water backing up into your basement and overflowing into our rivers and Lake Michigan. Disconnect your downspout and help keep excess water out of sanitary sewers and into your yard or a rain garden.

Fresh Coast Guardians Resource Center

Fresh Coast Guardians

Are you a homeowner, organization, or business looking for help on installing green infrastructure? Contact the Fresh Coast Guardians Resource Center to get started today.

Install a Milwaukee Rain Barrel

Install a Rain Barrel

Get FREE water by the barrel from your roof and use it when it’s dry outside to use in your landscape.  Rain barrels help keep excess water out of the sewer system and help reduce water pollution.