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05/11/17 09:45:am

Immediate Release
May 11, 2017

(Milwaukee, WI) – The international Global Water Leaders Group recently recognized the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) with a “Leading Utility of the World” award and nominated Executive Director Kevin Shafer for membership in the organization.
“We are very honored by this recognition from our international peers.  Our administration and employees are top tier and have performed at the highest level to earn this honor as one of the best utilities in the world,” said John Hermes, MMSD Commission Chair.  MMSD has continually adopted and adapted the best water reclamation practices utilized in the world, and it is the highest recognition you can receive when other international industry peers model their practices based upon what Milwaukee is doing.”  

Global Water Leaders Group Says the Following About the Award: 
“Membership in the Leading Utilities of the World is the Gold Standard for utility performance. It is recognition that a utility is among the best in the world. It is, however, based on relative improvement as much as absolute achievement. This reflects the fact all utilities face very different local circumstances.” 

“To create a global network of the world’s most successful and innovative water and wastewater utilities to help drive performance across the sector by recognizing achievement, providing a network for sharing ideas, and inspiring others to improve.”
“The utility sector is highly fragmented and locally focused. It means that the brilliant innovators – the Apples and Intels of the water sector – generally go unnoticed. We need to hold them up and tell the world, “This is what we as an industry can do.” This kind of recognition becomes a political asset and a source of local pride, which can facilitate the virtuous circle of engagement, investment, improvement, and pride.”  