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One Water Career Fair: Work With Water

10/12/21 07:30:am
One Water Career Fair Oct 21

Explore Milwaukee Water Jobs

Milwaukee is known as a water-centric city.  Located on the western shore of Lake Michigan, our DNA has been built on the themes of sustainable, resilient water management which is reflected in our water and wastewater utilities.  The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) conversion of wastewater biosolids into a marketable lawn and garden fertilizer, Milorganite®, the use of landfill methane gas to offset the use of fossil fuels, and the integration of natural infrastructure into MMSD’s repertoire of facility improvements showcases this commitment. As MMSD has journeyed down this path, however, we have not kept pace with having our workforce be reflective of the diversity of our residents.

Striving to correct this mistake, a partnership has emerged between MMSD and the City of Milwaukee’s Water Works to push forward a more diverse water future.  Spurred by the US Water Alliance, the creation of An Equitable Water Future - Milwaukee” roadmap has identified opportunities to increase equitable employment throughout the region’s water industry.

Equitable employment starts by creating better opportunities for individuals to fully understand the benefits a career in water might offer.  An event on Thursday, October 21 is meant to do just that.  The One Water Career Fair brings together a host of partners who will talk about the type of jobs, the skillsets needed, and the steps one might take to create a career path in water.

Hopefully, this career fair will help you understand better why we need to protect this resource and to see the benefits of a water career.

It is all our water, and on October 21, is also, Imagine a Day Without Water, which gives us each the opportunity to remember the value of water in our lives and what a day without water would be like.

Kevin L. Shafer, P.E.
Executive Director - Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District 

October 21, 2021, from 3 to 6 pm

Employ Milwaukee

2342 N 27th St. Milwaukee

Free parking in lot, bike parking, and bus stop 27th & North

Registration Encouraged


  • Instrument and field technicians 
  • Plant operations
  • Technical trades 
  • Laboratory & testing


  • Overview of the water sector and related careers
  • Examples of jobs, skills, experience, and career paths 
  • Current and future job openings
  • Opportunities to apply and receive future notices of openings
  • Ask questions and connect with other employment services


  • Individuals looking for jobs or career changes
  • High school students and older looking to learn about internships and career opportunities 
  • Interested in a career path in water

Please note our COVID 19 Protocols:

  • All participants will be screened upon entry (You will have your temperature taken and be asked a series of screening questions).
  • All participants are required to wear a mask or face covering at all times.
  • Social distancing is required.
A Day Without Water, October 21st, 2021

Imagine a Day Without Water is a national education campaign that brings together diverse stakeholders to highlight how water is essential, invaluable, and in need of investment.

Many Americans take water for granted every day. But what would a day be like without water?  

No water to drink, or wash your hands with. No water to shower, flush the toilet, or do laundry. Hospitals would close without water. Firefighters couldn't put out fires and farmers couldn't water their crops. Disease would spread.