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2050 Facilities Plan
2020 Water Quality Initiative
MMSD developed its 2020 Facilities Plan (2020 FP) to identify the facilities, programs, operational improvements, and policies (FPOPs) required by the year 2020 to meet the existing regulatory framework and permitting requirements.
In 2002, the MMSD, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (SEWRPC) formed the Water Quality Initiative (WQI) partnership. This partnership was the basis for a combined planning effort that used scientific information and analytical techniques to assess water resources within the Greater Milwaukee Watersheds using a holistic approach. An extensive public information program was used to allow stakeholders to provide input into the coordinated water quality planning effort.
The MMSD 2020 FP sets forth ongoing investments and facilities improvements to be made in order to provide a target level of protection (LOP) for sanitary sewer overflows (SSO) and adequate treatment under the projected 2020 population and land use conditions. In addition, the plan calls for measures to be undertaken by municipalities served by MMSD to prevent increases in infiltration and inflow (I/I) through the plan design year. The primary focus of the 2020 FP is to achieve the highest level of water quality improvement in the most cost-effective manner while meeting MMSD's regulatory requirements.
Facilities Plan Report - (Approved by WDNR on December 26, 2007) A presentation and summary of the entire 2020 planning process, including the alternative analysis and the key findings developed in the SOAR, Treatment and Conveyance Reports. Addendum 1 to the Facilities Plan Report, October 2007 State of the Art Report (SOAR) - presents the results of the technology analysis, which used production theory and analysis of scientific and economic data to identify pollution reduction technologies that will produce the most cost-efficient outcomes to improve water quality. Treatment Report - A summary of the existing MMSD treatment facilities , system analysis and recommendations to achieve the design LOP under 2020 conditions. Conveyance Report - A summary of the existing MMSD conveyance facilities, system analysis and recommendations to achieve the design LOP under 2020 conditions. Environmental Assessment: The MMSD 2020 Facilities Plan (2020 FP) project team prepared the attached Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) in accord with state requirements for preparation of facilities plans and to assist the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) during its review of the 2020 FP. This draft of the 2020 EA is simply a summary of the environmental information developed in the course of facilities planning for 2020 and is contained elsewhere in the Facilities Plan.
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