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Industrial Waste & Pretreatment
Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL)
2050 Facilities Plan
2020 Water Quality Initiative
Federal and state laws require the District to operate an Industrial Waste Pretreatment Program. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources approved the District's program in 1983.
MMSD regulates industrial wastewater to:
The program works primarily with industries, however, for mercury reduction, our engineers also work with dental offices, schools, and health care facilities. This group is also responsible for the administration of user charge verification and industrial billing activities.
Regulated industries must follow the District’s rules and may be required to obtain a permit before discharging their wastewater. This program has been very successful, reducing pollutants by 90% or more in many cases. If you would like more information about the effectiveness of this program, please see the following links: Source Reduction Effectiveness Analysis - 2015
If you are a new or current industry and need information about the Industrial Waste Pretreatment Program, please see the following links:
Notice of Intent Instructions
Notice of Intent Form
Discharge Regulations and Enforcement Procedures (MMSD Rules Chapter 11)
Request to Discharge Non-Contact Cooling Water Instructions and Form
Cost Recovery Procedures Manual
Waste Strength Certification/Water Balance Instructions
Waste Strength Certification/Water Balance Form
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