MMSD's 2024 Community Advisory Team

Community Advisory Team

MMSD’s Community Advisory Team: Influencing How We Work

Since its launch in 2020, MMSD’s Community Advisory Team has brought community voices to the forefront of how we plan, prioritize, and implement our projects, policies, and initiatives. This group does more than offer feedback—they actively shape how MMSD approaches its work, ensuring our efforts align with the values and needs of the people we serve. Meeting monthly, the team plays a vital role in influencing decisions that impact our communities.

Who Makes Up the Community Advisory Team

The team includes individuals who live or work in MMSD’s service area, representing a range of perspectives, experiences, and expertise. By sharing their insights, they help MMSD create programs and policies that truly reflect the priorities of the diverse communities we serve.

How the Community Advisory Team Has Helped MMSD Improve

The Community Advisory Team has guided MMSD toward meaningful improvements. Their input has shaped strategies to build a more diverse workforce, made green infrastructure workshops clearer and more accessible, and refined tools to better engage diverse audiences.

Their perspectives have allowed MMSD to adjust and improve its programs, ensuring they meet the unique needs of our region. This collaboration continues to strengthen the connection between MMSD and the communities it serves.

Through the Community Advisory Team, community members are not just heard—they are key collaborators in shaping MMSD’s future. Their contributions ensure our work is inclusive, impactful, and guided by the people it is meant to benefit.

Community Advisory Team Members:

  • Live or work within MMSD’s service area.
  • Attend monthly meetings (a mix of virtual and in-person) that last about an hour.
  • Participate in at least five meetings annually to receive a $500 stipend as recognition for their time and contributions.
  • Share honest thoughts and ideas to help MMSD improve and grow.

To learn more about what’s involved, check out the Community Advisory Team Charter. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Lisa Sasso, Senior Project Planner, or Christina Taddy, Public Engagement Manager,


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    Community Advisory Team Touring Jones Island Water Reclamation Facility

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    Community Advisory Team Taking a Tour on the MMSD Research Vessel, the Pelagos

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    Community Advisory Team Taking a Tour in the MMSD Lab