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2020 Water Quality Initiative
MMSD can help enhance student learning through in-classroom presentations, activities, and curriculum resources. Topics include water resources, watersheds, water stewardship, sustainability, water quality, water reclamation, and water-focused careers.
Presentations by Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD):
MMSD provides experts who will speak to your class on a wide variety of water-focused topics. Fill out this form to request a speaker.
MMSD can provide you with hands-on demonstration models to create an interactive water experience in your classroom. To borrow any of the following models with the curriculum guide please fill out the request form.Please note that the pickup and return of the model is the responsibility of the teacher or school staff.
Community Partner In Classroom Activities and Lessons:
MMSD partners with community organizations who can provide in classroom experienceson water related topics. Reflo, a nonprofit leading local efforts for greenschool initiatives, has compiled a listing of opportunities for Elementary or Middle/High School students.
Curriculum and Activity Resources:
Extend student learning beyond the classroom through guided tours and educational programming at local nature centers. Questions on any of these opportunities please fill out this form and we will be in touch.
Bring students to tour MMSD’s water reclamation facilities, water quality lab, or the research vessel, the Pelagos. Click here to find more detailed tour information.
Environmental Education:
To foster the next generation of water stewards, MMSD partners with area nature centers to provide youth with experiences to learn about water resources in a natural environment. A limited number of bus and program scholarships are available for selected programs. Scholarships are on a first-come, first registered basis. Please contact the organizations for program specifics and scholarship information.
Partners with Scholarships Available:
Additional Partners:
MMSD partners with various entities to provide professional development opportunities for teachers including tours, training, and workshops that can enrich the teaching of science and environmental topics. Please fill out the outreach form and ask to be added to our educator list-serve.
Are your students ready to take action to help protect our rivers and Lake Michigan? MMSD can help you and your students identify opportunities to become active stewards of our valuable water resources.
Milwaukee Riverkeeper’s program, sponsored by MMSD, allows individuals or groups to adopt a section of the river with the commitment of cleaning that section two times per year for the next two years.
Adopt-a-Storm Drain:
Through the Respect Our Waters campaign of the Southeastern Wisconsin Watershed Trust anyone can adopt their local storm drain. By adopting a drain, you agree to prevent pollution from reaching storm drains by keeping the area around drains free from debris and by following a few simple tips.
Alliance for the Great Lakes Adopt-A-Beach:
This Adopt-a-Beach learning program lets you teach outdoors at your local Great Lakes shoreline. Students learn about the environment while they investigate beach health, remove litter, and enter their findings into an online database.
Milwaukee Riverkeeper’s Spring Cleanup:
Volunteer at Milwaukee Riverkeeper’s Annual Spring Cleanup every April around Earth Day! Join nearly 4,000 volunteers at over 65 locations across the Milwaukee River Basin to pick up trash and work create swimmable, fishable rivers.
Science Strikes Back:
A community science fair hosted by Escuela Verde. Science Strikes Back aims to encourage community members in Milwaukee to critically analyze environmental issues and solve problems in their communities. Through the development of collaborative relationships between students, educators, and content specialists from locally-based organizations, Science Strikes Back will produce a strong network in Milwaukee for continued environmental education and natural resource stewardship.
Learn how schools and the school community of students, teachers, and parents can be a beacon of water stewardship in their neighborhoods and Milwaukee community. Find out about grant programs and initiatives that can help you become a green school and bring green space back to the schoolyard.
Green and Healthy Schools:
Green & Healthy Schools Wisconsin empowers, supports and recognizes schools for nurturing healthy kids and sustainable communities. Participating schools learn how to reduce environmental impacts and costs, improve health and wellness, and increase environmental and sustainability literacy.
Green School Consortium of Milwaukee:
Green School Consortium of Milwaukee is a local network of green school practitioners, agencies, and funders with the intention of sharing resources and supporting meaningful schoolyard redevelopment projects that improve the quality of our watersheds while providing students with access to healthy green space and exciting educational opportunities.
Green Infrastructure for Schools Guidebook:
This Guidebook from MMSD is an overview of ideas and guidelines for schools to consider when upgrading, replacing, and creating new schoolyards. The goal of the guidebook is to enhance schoolyards, student experiences, and environmental health through the integration of green infrastructure.
Greening School Yards:
Green Schoolyards America is a national organization that expands and strengthens the green schoolyard movement and empowers Americans to become stewards of their school and neighborhood environments. Green Schoolyards America inspires and enables communities to enrich their school grounds and use them to improve children’s well-being, learning and play while contributing to the ecological health and resilience of their cities.
Fresh Coast Guardians Resource Center:
Whether you are seeking professional guidance about green infrastructure (GI), or want to start sizing your own GI project, or looking for grant opportunities to support a GI project, the Fresh Coast Guardians Resource Center can lead you in the right direction. The Fresh Coast Resource Center is in the Global Water Center and is open Monday -Thursday 9am-4pm and Friday by appointment.
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