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Maintenance is beginning for the levees along Honey Creek Parkway and in Hart Park as part of the Hart Park and Western Milwaukee Levee Accreditation Project. Shrubs and small saplings under 2 inches in diameter will be removed along the levees and floodwalls in 2024. Maintenance helps the levee continue to provide flood risk reduction benefits. Additional improvements to the levees and floodwalls will take place in 2025.
MMSD reviewed the entire levee system and identified improvements required for the system to be accredited FEMA. Improvements include adding additional height to levees and floodwalls at several locations, storm sewer improvements, and sewer rehabilitation.
For FEMA to recognize the completed levee system's flood risk reduction benefits requires a levee system accreditation application to FEMA for the entire Menomonee River levee system. Once FEMA approves a levee system application, remapping the floodplain in the surrounding project area can proceed.
The FEMA review process is expected to take up to three years. Some structures will remain in the mapped floodplain after the levee system is completed. These structures remaining in the floodplain will be evaluated for other flood risk reduction approaches, such as voluntary floodproofing and voluntary acquisition.
Ahead of the levee system accreditation submittal to FEMA, MMSD has reviewed FEMA standards for the entire system and has identified several improvements to the system that are required for the system to be accredited.
The levee system improvements are needed for the following reasons:
Planned Improvements for the Levee System include:
Levee and Floodwall Improvements
Spring 2021 – 2024 – Design
2025 – Construction
Storm Sewer Improvements
2025 – Design
2026 – Construction
Pipe Rehabilitation
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