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Join the project team for an open house on March 12th. The open house will be held from 5:30 – 7:00 pm at Hawthorn Glen Nature Center. The nature center is located at 1130 N 60th St. in Milwaukee.
The project team will be on hand to answer questions about:
The open house is also an opportunity for the project team to listen to concerns you may have. We hope to see you on March 12th at the open house!
In 2025, State Street construction will require new traffic patterns and lane closures. The detours and lane closures will take place in two stages. Please see the linked maps for the traffic detours.
While construction in State Street was on hold due to the City of Milwaukee’s winter work moratorium, construction between the railroad tracks and the river continued with river bank reconstruction, sewer construction, and preparations for floodwall construction next to the railroad.
Sign Up for Western Milwaukee Phase 2b Updates
This project will extend the earthen levee system 1,800 feet eastward to reduce flooding along State Street, build a new 1,200-foot-long floodwall, install four new storm sewers, and restore 1,500 feet of banks along the Menomonee River.
The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) is partnering with the City of Milwaukee and City of Wauwatosa to make flood risk reduction improvements along the Menomonee River in Western Milwaukee along West State Street between North 60 Street and USH 175.
This project is part of the larger Menomonee River Watercourse Management Plan which aims to reduce the risk of flooding for over 300 homes and businesses. To see the existing floodplain map visit FEMA’s Flood Map Service Center.
The Western Milwaukee Phase 2B Project will:
Widening the river channel below Doyne Park.
MMSD Consultant working on removing material from the river along the south bank.
Loading trucks with top 6 feet of material at south bank.
To recognize the levee system's flood risk reduction benefits there will be a levee system accreditation application to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for the entire Menomonee River levee system (shown in map below) and a remapping of the floodplain in the surrounding project area following completion of the project. The FEMA review is expected to take up to three years after construction completion. There are some structures that will remain in the mapped floodplain after the levee system is completed. These structures remaining in the floodplain will be evaluated for other flood risk reduction approaches such as voluntary floodproofing and voluntary acquisition.
2017 - 2023 Finalize Design
2023 - 2025 Construction
2026 - 2028 FEMA Review
2029 Anticipated Update of the Floodplain Map
*Project timeline is subject to change
MMSD is completing the final design.
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