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Follow these instructions below to properly set up the black rain barrel you received from MMSD.
For downloadable instructions please click here.
After you have installed your rain barrel, share an image or video of your rain barrel and we'll send you a FREE t-shirt for being a Fresh Coast Guardian.
Why Rain Barrels?
Installation & Care
How to Paint
Rain Barrel Workshop
Redeem Rain Barrel Certificate
After selecting the proper location, dig up the turf grass around the area where the barrel will be placed. Tamp area once turf grass has been removed. Add gravel and tamp again. Place concrete blocks or other sturdy base on top of the gravel. Ensure your base is level.
First, insert the threaded rubber seals into the pre-drilled holes on your rain barrel. Second, screw the spigot into the top threaded seal/hole and drain piece into the bottom threaded seal/hole. Place your rain barrel on the base and choose which pre-marked location on the side of your rain barrel you want to use (closest to the downspout). Using the small hole saw (1.5”), drill into that spot. Insert the rubber seal, then twist the fill hose into place.
Place the rain barrel on your level base. Place a level or other straight edge on the top of the rain barrel (without a lid) and align it with the downspout. Use a ruler or tape measure to measure 3-inches down from the level or straight edge you have on top of the barrel and mark the center of the downspout with a pencil. (Note: if you have a 2x3 downspout you will drill into the front of your downspout, and if you have a 3x4 downspout you will drill into the side of your downspout.)
Align drill bit with 3-inch mark and the center of your downspout. Drill into downspout using the larger hole-saw (2-1/8”). When drilling use one hand to stabilize the downspout and the other to hold the drill. Do not force the drill. Cut slow and steady. Always use safety glasses when drilling. After you drill the hole, put on safety gloves and file around the edges of the hole you created as it will be sharp.
Place diverter piece into hole by squeezing the sides, making sure the collection cup faces up. Place vertically so the two pre-made holes are on the top and bottom of the diverter piece (not side-by-side). Push in until the diverter is entirely in the whole and sits flat against the downspout. Drill screws into pre-made holes to securely attach diverter to the downspout.
Attach the fill hose you attached to the barrel in Step 2 to the diverter piece inside of the downspout. Attach the lid to your rain barrel. If you choose the right-side-up “traditional” style, secure it with the additional screws provided with your rain barrel. If you choose to do the upside-down “planter” style, replace the plug with the plastic drain piece and simply place the lid on your rain barrel.
Around Halloween, remove diverter piece from downspout and replace with winterizing cap (included in installation kit). Reattach screws to secure winterizing cap. Bring rain barrel inside.
Water isn’t flowing to the rain barrel – what’s wrong?
How much water can I collect?
Rule of thumb:
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