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The Regional Green Infrastructure Plan recommends adding 740 million gallons of green infrastructure (GI) capacity across the region to reduce the risk of basement backups and sewer overflows by the year 2035. GI practices need to be properly operated and maintained to help the region achieve the Fresh Coast 740 goals and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) permit requirements.
GI practices, such as rain gardens, green roofs, and porous pavement, have unique operation and maintenance (O&M) needs compared to traditional grey stormwater management approaches.
Get Involved in the Green Infrastructure O&M! You have an important role to play in green infrastructure O&M and the long-term success of the region’s green infrastructure program. It is important that you participate in MMSD’s Green Infrastructure O&M Project. Share your thoughts and concerns about green infrastructure O&M. You can share what you know or tell us what you want to know about green infrastructure O&M in southeast Wisconsin.
Downloads pdf Green Infrastructure Operations and Maintenance Implementation Framework
The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District’s (MMSD) 2035 Vision set an aggressive goal to capture the first half-inch of rain that falls on impervious cover in the Milwaukee region. This high level of GI implementation will require many thousands of GI installations, all of which will need to be maintained to remain effective. To sustain broad GI implementation across the MMSD service area, the region needs an implementable GI operation and maintenance (O&M) framework to cost‐effectively protect and maintain GI benefits.
This report documents the approach and findings to answer the following question: For this significant level of GI implementation, what would be the best overall O&M framework to maintain GI investments? This report focuses on who should be doing the various elements of GI maintenance and identifies what roles the MMSD, regional entities, municipalities, and private property owners should play for acceptable and effective GI maintenance in the region.
Green Infrastructure Maintenance Form
Fill out the maintenance form for each of your MMSD funding projects with the previous year’s maintenance. Send the form and pictures to the email listed below.
Email: greeninfrastructure@mmsd.com
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