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The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District has created a systematic plan to implement widespread green infrastructure. The District has a 10-year history of partnering on green infrastructure projects, authored “Fresh Coast Green Solutions” to provide a foundation for a plan, and set 2035 goals for significantly more green infrastructure.
As a regional agency, the District is uniquely positioned to lead green infrastructure planning for the Milwaukee region and has funding to undertake the work. This effort will help the District make logical green infrastructure funding decisions. It will also help municipalities and non-governmental organizations prioritize their actions, and will help inform municipalities and private funders where their green infrastructure money can do the greatest good.
Technical analyses for the region’s impervious surfaces, costs/benefits, and recommendations have all been completed. The documents below comprise the final Regional Green Infrastructure Plan. The plan was approved by the MMSD Commission on July 22, 2013. Please contact us with any questions.
Attached below is recent information about the planning process. We'll continue to add implementation information as it becomes available.
Due to the large size of this document, downloads may take longer over slower connections.
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