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MMSD owns and operates a 12-mile pipeline system that runs between the South Shore Water Reclamation Facility in Oak Creek and the Jones Island Water Reclamation Facility near downtown Milwaukee. The system includes four pipes that transport wastewater sludge between facilities, mostly to help make Milorganite®, a fertilizer produced by MMSD since 1926.
After over 30 years of operation, the flow capacity of the pipeline has been reduced, requiring additional energy to transport the sludge between the reclamation facilities. This reduction of capacity is primarily caused by a buildup of solids (mostly sand like materials) at the pipeline low points. When cleaning, all removed solids are returned to the water reclamation facility via the contractor’s equipment for treatment and the liquids are added to our sewer system to be cleaned. Access to the pipeline is achieved through 12 vaults along its length.
The goal of this project is to restore the original capacity of the pipelines by removing these solids. Once this project is complete, we do not anticipate needing to perform this type of heavy cleaning again in the future.
Terra Engineering is contracted to perform this work.
2022-2025 - The project work will be completed in four phases. Each phase consists of draining, removing/replacing pipe, painting, and cleaning one pipeline. The contractor will work at these vaults several different times during each phase of the project. The Contract work commenced in the summer of 2022 and is scheduled to be completed by the Fall of 2025.
Traffic control may be required for some phases of the work. Residents will be notified 72 hours prior to any work that will require traffic control or inhibit access to driveways or your property. MMSD will work to minimize any inconveniences for residents.
Work may be done from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays. Noise may be noticeable during this time. Work will not be done outside of these hours without approval from the MMSD and notice to the residents.
MMSD staff is overseeing the Pipeline Cleaning project and can answer any questions you may have; please submit the form below.
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