About Us
2035 Vision
Strategic Plan & Performance
GIS Maps and Data
Blue Notes Newsletter
Blue Notes Newsletter Sign-up
What We Do
Education and Outreach
Milwaukee Estuary AOC Projects
What You Can Do
Green infrastructure
Rain Barrels
Rain Garden
Porous Pavement
Native Landscaping
Become a Fresh Coast Guardian
Home HazMat Collection
Medicine Collections
Water Drop Alert
What Not to Flush
Procurement Opportunities
Construction and CAD Standard Documents and Special Bid Attachments
Vendor Registration
Events & Outreach
Supplier Development
Business Capacity Development
Workforce Development
Contract Compliance Login
Government & Business
Municipal Information
Rules & Regulations
Private Property I & I
Pipe Check Contractor Resources
Industrial Waste & Pretreatment
Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL)
2050 Facilities Plan
2020 Water Quality Initiative
Every day, a group of dedicated scientists are hard at work in MMSD’s laboratory, testing samples to ensure that the water reclamation facilities are working properly, and to look for sources of pollution and solutions that help protect Lake Michigan. MMSD has the largest municipal wastewater laboratory in the state. We are recognized in Wisconsin and nationally for our work in developing scientific methods and standards for environmental testing laboratories. The lab tests a variety of samples for multiple purposes. Besides making sure the reclamation facilities are operating properly, we also sample and test Lake Michigan and our rivers and streams. Milorganite® is tested every day before it is shipped for sale, to ensure the product quality.
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