MMSD freshwater monitoring vessel the Pelagos


Fresh Water Resources Monitoring

The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) Freshwater Resources Monitoring group conducts routine surface water monitoring at nearly 100 fixed monitoring sites within the MMSD Planning Area and Lake Michigan. Field measurements and grab samples are taken at these sites in all weather conditions and brought to the in-house certified laboratory to be analyzed for up to 41 different parameters. 

Water Quality Annual Reports

To summarize the large amount of data collected each year, the Freshwater Resources Monitoring group produces an annual report that highlights water quality in Southeastern Wisconsin.

The 2023 report focuses on the Underwood Creek Watershed and the work MMSD is undertaking to help improve our water resources and public health.

(Interactive) 2023 Surface Water Quality Annual Summary Report

(Interactive) 2022 Surface Water Quality Annual Summary Report

(Interactive) 2021 Surface Water Quality Annual Summary Report

(Interactive) 2020 Surface Water Quality Annual Summary Report

(Interactive) 2018-2019 Surface Water Quality Annual Summary Report

(Interactive) 2018 Surface Water Quality Annual Summary Report

(Interactive) 2017 Surface Water Quality Annual Summary Report

2016 Surface Water Quality Annual Summary Report
2015 Surface Water Quality Annual Summary Report
2014 Surface Water Quality Annual Summary Report


The Water Quality Portal (WQP)

The Water Quality Portal (WQP) is a cooperative service sponsored by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the National Water Quality Monitoring Council (NWQMC).  The Portal contains data from numerous other organizations throughout the nation.  

To obtain MMSD surface water quality monitoring data follow the directions below.   

Follow the link to the Water Quality Portal:

  • At the top of the screen, select “Advanced.” 
  • Under Select Location Parameters, type “MMSD” in the Organization ID box and select “WI_MMSD - Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District” from the search results. 
  • Fields in the Filter Results section are not required but can be used if desired. 
  • To see all sampling data, click on “Sample results (biological metadata)” under Download the Data. 
  • Choose the desired file format. 
  • Click the “Download” button at the bottom of the page. 

The Water Quality Portal can be searched using any combination of these options: Location, Site Parameters, and/or Sampling Parameters.  

To see the locations of sites before downloading the data, use the Water Quality Portal Data Sites map. Information about the sites can be obtained by left-clicking on the site marker on the map or by clicking on the links below the map. 

Additional information on downloading data can be found on the Water Quality Data Portal User Guide.  The MMSD Records Department can assist in additional requests regarding sampling data. 

Disclaimer: MMSD strives to ensure that all technical data and other information made available to the public are accurate, complete, and in conformance with the Wisconsin Public Records Law.  We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided from this database search and information obtained should be used with caution.  Persons using information for purpose for which accuracy and completeness are required are advised that the data contained herein may be subject to change.