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Milwaukee Estuary AOC Projects
What You Can Do
Green infrastructure
Rain Barrels
Rain Garden
Porous Pavement
Native Landscaping
Become a Fresh Coast Guardian
Home HazMat Collection
Medicine Collections
Water Drop Alert
What Not to Flush
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Pipe Check Contractor Resources
Industrial Waste & Pretreatment
Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL)
2050 Facilities Plan
2020 Water Quality Initiative
List of Drop-Off Items
Please drop off your household hazardous waste at one of our three permanent collection locations or an upcoming 1-Day Drop-Off site in 2025. Help us keep household chemicals out of our water and the environment.
Drop-Off Locations
2025 HHW English Flyer
2025 HHW Spanish Flyer
Drop off your household hazardous waste at Wisconsin State Fair Grounds.
Drop Off Events
Autobody repair products
Battery acid
Brake fluid
Carburetor cleaner
Car wax
Fiberglass epoxy
Fuel additives
Metal polish
Oil / Oil filters
Parts cleaner
Road flares (No marine flares)
Rust remover
Spot remover
Transmission fluid
Contact cement
Driveway sealer
Deck stripper (Wood bleach)
Glue / Adhesives
Joint compound
Paint (Latex) Limit 20 gallons per visit
Paint (Non-Latex) No Limit
Paint thinner / Stripper
Photo developing chemicals
Roofing tar
Sealers (Wood & concrete)
Wood filler
Aerosol cans (Full)
Antibacterial products
Asbestos (Limit two contractor-sized garbage bags (triple bagged). Drop off only at the Menomonee Falls collection center.)
Ballasts (Without light fixture)
Batteries (Button & rechargeable)
Carpet cleaner
Cooking oil (New & used)
Drain cleaner
Dry cleaning chemicals
Extension cords
Floor care products
Insect / Bug killer
Fluorescent bulbs - Limit 20 bulbs per visit
Furniture polish
Lamp oil
Lighter fluid
Mercury (Thermometers & thermostats)
Mosquito repellent
Oven cleaner
Pool chemicals
Rechargeable toothbrushes
Rat / Rodent poison
String (Holiday) lights
Weed killer
Hair dye
Hair remover
Hair spray
Liquid nicotine for vaping
Nail polish & remover
Pepper spray (Self-defense)
Shoe polish
Vape equipment (Nicotine Only)
Ammunition Compressed gas cylinders
Car batteries
Clothes dryers
Containers larger than 15 gallons
Fire extinguishers
Marine flares
Medical waste
Prescription drugs
Propane cylinders
Radioactive wastes
Smoke detectors
Tires of any type
Washing machines
Year-Round Collection
Milwaukee | 13th Street
6060 S 13th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53221 just north of College Ave
Drive-thru Dropoff Map
TUE 11am - 6pm SAT 8am - 2pm 2025 Closed Days 5/24 | 8/30 | 11/11 | 11/29
Milwaukee | Lincoln Ave
3879 W Lincoln Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53215
THU 7am - 3pm FRI 7am - 3pm SAT 7am - 3pm 2025 Closed Days 4/18 | 6/19 | 7/4 | 11/27- 11/28 | 12/25 | 1/1/26
Menomonee Falls
W124N9451 Boundary Rd, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051
MON 11am - 6pm WED 11am - 6pm SAT 8am - 2pm 2025 Closed Days 1/1 | 1/20 | 2/17 | 5/24 | 5/26 | 8/30 | 9/1 | 11/29 | 12/24 | 12/31
One-day events to drop-off your household chemicals at a drive-thru collection drop-off location.
Saturday | June 14th 8am - 2pm
640 S 84th St, West Allis, WI 53214 (GATE 1 - off Greenfield Ave)
Saturday | Aug 9th 8am - 2pm
6701 N Jean Nicolet Rd, Glendale (Front Parking Lot)
Saturday | Sept 13th 8am - 2pm
11100 W Walnut Rd. (Enter off Watertown Plank Rd. on 113th St.)
We're providing the following list, as a public service, of places where you can properly dispose of certain items.
You should check with your municipality to see if it offers disposal services for items not accepted at our hazardous waste collection facilities. MMSD's Household Hazardous Waste Program does not accept all items.
Wisconsin's electronics recycling law bans certain electronic items from landfills, such as TVs, computers, printers, and fax machines. It also creates a statewide recycling program called E-Cycle Wisconsin. There are many convenient electronics drop-off locations under the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources E-Cycle program.
The E-Cycle program is the state's first comprehensive system in Wisconsin for recycling electronics from households and K-12 public schools. Under the new program, manufacturers will bear the primary financial responsibility for the recycling of banned electronics.
According to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, single-use alkaline batteries currently have little recycling value and may be thrown in the trash. However, batteries used in many household and office products, as well as motor vehicle batteries, contain a variety of heavy metals and other materials that can be harmful to human health and the environment if not handled properly. You can bring your rechargeable and button batteries to the MMSD Home Hazmat Collection sites.
Protect Lake Michigan and combat the opioid crisis by safely disposing your unused prescription medicine at one of these free drop boxes.
Take back my meds program dropoff box map in Milwaukee.
Companies listed below may charge a fee for disposing of items at their facilities. Call ahead for costs and hours of operation.
For Milwaukee County Residents only. Please, no businesses.
Thank you for helping protect our waterways!