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While we work to further reduce sewer overflows, major storms and heavy rains can still overwhelm the sanitary sewer system.
The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District is taking an innovative approach to reducing water pollution from sewer overflows by issuing a Water Drop Alert™ when large storms and heavy rains threaten the area. By using less water, you're helping reduce the amount of sewage that might end up in the environment if there is an overflow.
English: To receive a text message when a Water Drop Alert™ is issued text: WATERDROP to 414-296-4422
Spanish: Para recibir un mensaje de texto cuando se emite una alerta de gota de agua, envíe un mensaje de texto: GOTADEAGUA a 414-296-4422
It's simple, try to use less water until the rain passes.
When a Water Drop Alert™ is issued we will send a text alert, share it on our social media pages, and on our rain gauge and facility page, acting as a reminder to use less water until the heavy rain passes. By using less water during a rain event, we can all help protect Lake Michigan and keep water out of our basements.
Monitor the Deep Tunnel and MMSD Water Reclamation facilities. View radar and weather forecasts from the National Weather Service and rain gauge data that tracks rainfall in the MMSD service region.
Help keep water out of your home, reduce water pollution and save money during heavy rains by conducting a home audit, inside and out. Rain Check can help you identify and correct potential problems that could lead to water damage and more. By managing water where it falls, we can all help reduce the risk of basement backups and water pollution.
If you own a home, you own a sewer pipe. And, most of us don’t maintain that pipe until there’s a problem. Learn about your basement's laterals, foundation drains, and how to prepare your home to avoid basement flooding.
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